Press Portal

Welcome to the va-Q-tec press portal!

Here you will find all the latest news, press releases and media resources related to va-Q-tec. As a leader in thermal energy efficiency and thermal packaging solutions, we are happy to keep you up to date on our latest developments and milestones.

Our Press Portal provides you with one-stop access to comprehensive information, high-resolution images, videos, and other resources.

We believe in transparent communication and look forward to providing you with insights into our company. Our dedicated press team is available to answer your inquiries.

0+ Employees
0+ IP-Rights and Applications
0+ International Awards
23.05.2024, 11.59
Over 50 Percent Cost Savings for Frozen Food and Fresh Food Deliveries with High Performance Totes
14.02.2024, 10.41
va-Q-tec launches the “Thermal Coat” for increased temperature integrity in pharmaceutical air and sea freight

In the Press

va-Q-tec and the media Numerous publications regularly report about va-Q-tec. We have collected a selection of media coverage for you.
va-Q-tec and the media Numerous publications regularly report about va-Q-tec. We have collected a selection of media coverage for you.

PR Contact:

Telefon: +49 (0) 931 35 942 0
E-Mail: [email protected]